Spirit - God Beyond Creation
It all starts and ends here. Spirit, Brahman, the Self, Cosmic Consciousness, God (the Father beyond creation) and many other names. The Buddha referred to this state of being as Nirvana. Spirit is the first aspect of God – the Sole Reality, formless, beyond time and space, infinite consciousness. Brahman is the most difficult to understand, as mankind’s normal consciousness has no reference point or language to describe anything that exists beyond creation. However, Spirit can be experienced and directly known. By definition, that is what a mystic is, one who has directly experienced the Supreme Being. This has happened in all lands and all times.
“I am that Brahman, one without a second … I am infinite. I am absolute bliss.” ~ Shankara “He is beyond time and space, beyond beginnings and endings, and though He contains all things, He is uncontained, as He is the only One, besides whom there is no other.” ~ Swami Abhayananda “All attempts at identifying and defining the Supreme Deity, God, Allah, Brahman, are pointless and meaningless since they all hint at some Reality that is beyond time and space, beyond the objective and the subjective, and therefore beyond verbal description - and yet, can be experienced by man.” ~ Amaury De Riencourt, from The Eye of Shiva “Brahman is the only Reality, ever pure, ever illumined, ever free, beyond the limits of time, space, and causation.” ~ Al-Ghazali “The Spirit is imperishable, ever existent in the changeless nonvibratory sphere … no cause of Spirit can be traced; It is self-evolved and causeless.” ~ P. Yogananda “That which is uncreated and divine, the highest good, the greatest Joy; nay, to speak the truth, That which is greater than the greatest, more beautiful than the greatest beauty, more blessed than the most blessed, more joyful than the joyfulest; aye, more perfect than any words such as these.” ~ Philo Judaeus “The transcendent Source of all ….. is indescribable, as It is prior to all discernible qualities. The soul is keenly aware of the blissful imperturbability, unlimited power, omniscience and eternal existence of its ultimate Source.” ~ Swami Abhayananda “Just as the eddies below a waterfall cannot disturb the reservoir of water at its source, so the eddies of vibration issuing out of Cosmic Consciousness cannot create commotion within it. Even the finest vibrations of light or movement are not present in the indescribably subtle limitless sphere of … vibrationless omnipresent Bliss.” ~ P. Yogananda “Having access to that formless realm is truly liberating. It frees you from bondage to form and identification with form. It is life in its undifferentiated state prior to its fragmentation into multiplicity. We may call it the Unmanifested, the invisible Source of all things, the Being within all beings. It is a realm of deep stillness and peace, but also of joy and intense aliveness.” ~ Eckhart Tolle What else is there to do but dream Up worlds and populate them With imaginative forms caught up In crazy, impossible plots and toils? What else would You do When there’s none else but You? ~ Swami Abhayananda, from the poem None Else "The One Life, the one consciousness pervades the entire universe and takes temporary form to experience itself as a stone or a blade of grass, as an animal, a person, a star or a galaxy. " ~ Eckhart Tolle “It is natural but erroneous to think that because all finite things are contained in the Infinite, therefore the Infinite must be contained in something else! All finite things are caused by the Infinite, but the Infinite Being – the Supreme Cause, the Thing-in-Itself – is not the effect of any cause. The Infinite Being, the container of all finite objects, is not contained by anything else existing beyond it.” ~ P. Yogananda |